One of the many activities to do in Cefalù is paragliding. A sport which doesn’t require particular athletic skills, but a good ability to concentrate, a psycho-physical balance and in particular a good control of emotions.
Paragliding allows you to free your mind for some hours, enjoying the beautiful sceneries Sicily offers us.
Looking at Cefalù from a different perspective, remaining suspended into the air and being trasported by the wind… An unique feeling, to try at least once in your life. The activity is carried out in complete safety, because the flights are handled by pilots enabled by Aeroclub d’Italia with a patent for transposing passengers. Even though the wind is the one piloting, strong gusts of wind aren’t necessary to practice paragliding, in fact it is possible to try even when there is no wind.
For further information
Paragliding; Discover more
Phone number: (+39) 0471 1521700