Madonie Park represents one of the most famous mountainous ecosystems of the Mediterranean Bay, notable for the richness of the flora. It is comprised of 15 Sicilian towns which ranges from Cefalù to the inside of the island. The Madonie range has the highest peaks of the island, except Etna, and some which, like Pizzo Carbonara, Pizzo Antenna Grande and Monte San Salvatore, almost reach 2000 metres. Inside the park there are various scenery paths to explore by foot, by horse or bike. Some of them are particularly interesting because you can discover some hidden gems: springs, waterfalls, woods and ponds.
Info & Contacts
Parco delle Madonie, Discover more
Address: Corso Paolo Agliata, 16 Petralia Sottana (PA) 90027
Phone number: (+39) 0921 684011
E-mail: parcodellemadonie@pec.it