Discover all the events, for adults and children, which from 7th December 2024 to 6th January 2025 that will happen in the splendid frame of Sant’Ambrogio.
7th December 2024 – 6th January 2025
Saturday 7th December
7 p.m. Nativity scenes exhibition grand opening, fishing competition and Christmas Market at Garbo Oil mill (which you could visit in the days: 7, 8, 14, 15, 21, 22, 28 and 29th December and 4 and 5th January, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.), Nativity Scenes grand opening in Decano Martino Road, curated by the association Riscopri Sant’Ambrogio and the “Signore del Borgo”.
Friday 13th December
6 p.m. Entertainment with Santa Claus and Minnie and Mickey Mouse, by Claudio Dongarrà;
Sunday 15th December
4 p.m. Santa Claus Parade, curated by the Riscopri Sant’Ambrogio association;
5 p.m. Presentation of the book “Il Borgo Sant’Ambrogio” by Rosario Pirajno, curated by Sant’Ambrogio proloco, Sant’Ambrogio parrish;
Thursday 19th December
6 p.m. “Natale cu na Ciaramedda”, itinerary gabpipers;
Friday 20th December
9 p.m. Christmas Tombola, curated by the Riscopri Sant’Ambrogio association, at the previous Elementary School;
Sunday 22nd December
7 p.m. Traditional Ninnaredda by V. Pintorno musical band;
Monday 23rd December
7 p.m. “Choir Sing Song” Concert, curated by the Sicilian “Musica per l’uomo” association, Chiesa di Maria SS. Della Salute Church;
Saturday 28th December
7 p.m. Street Art Show “Magia con le bolle”;
Sunday 29th December
7 p.m. “Christmas Time” Concert with the violinist Francesco Nicolosi and the pianist Raul Perna, Santa Maria SS. Della Salute Church;
Saturday 4th January
7 p.m.“Ancora Natale” Concert with the soprano Giorgia Ferrara and the Master Riccardo Senerelli, Maria SS. Della Salute Church.
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