Symbol of the city and unmissable for anyone visiting Cefalù, the Basilica della Trasfigurazione – better known as Cathedral of Cefalù – is a hymn to beauty that resists time, wars and modernity, since it preserves the Arab-Normans influence on the island.
Declared a UNESCO Heritage Site since 2015, it is located in the heart of the historic center, in the homonymous square, rising in all its majesty against the Rocca di Cefalù that stands out behind it. Framed by two mighty towers, the work was commissioned by the first King of Sicily, Roger II, in 1131 and consecrated almost a century and a half later (1267).
Cefalù Cathedral: a hymn to the Arab-Norman beauty
The Norman Romanesque style that characterizes it and makes it the most beautiful testimony of that time is visible not only on the outside, in its two mighty Arabesque side towers, but especially inside.
After the short staircase that separates the square from the Cathedral of Cefalù and the spectacular terrace, a portico of the fifteenth century composed of three arches with vaults makes the facade opener, anticipated by Porta Regum and a finely decorated marble portal.
The interior of the Cathedral of Cefalù is a Latin cross, divided into three naves supported by imposing and solemn granite columns. It is the central apse but the point where art, history and wonder mix by consecrating the Cathedral as one of the most incredible examples of Middle Eastern religious architecture in Sicily.
This is in fact covered with precious Byzantine mosaics, which extend for about 600 m², executed by the hand of masters of Constantinople and made between 1148 and 1166. The Christ Pantocrator is the dominant figure, which stands out solemnly in the basin of the apse, followed by Our Lady in prayer flanked by the four archangels.
All around, a riot of saints, apostles, religious symbols and stylized plant elements crowd the central apse, the presbytery and the vault of the choir of the Cathedral of Cefalù, leaving anyone who sets foot there with open mouth.
It is difficult to look away from this splendour, but you only have to turn left to see the rectangular cloister dating back to the 12th century, which has been recently restored.
Of the original structure only a small part is preserved, in which are visible a cycle of richly decorated capitals surmounted by binate columns dating back to the medieval period.
The history of the Cathedral of Cefalù
Besides the beauty of its architecture, particular and characteristic is the history behind the construction of the Cathedral of Cefalù. According to a legend, in fact, it seems that the church is the result of a sacred and solemn vow.
The legend tells that the Cathedral of Cefalù was built by King Ruggero II d’Altavilla as a symbol of gratitude towards the Holy Saviour, after he escaped death during a shipwreck.
While he was in the midst of a storm on his way from Salerno to Palermo, the king made a vow to the Lord promising that a temple would be built in his honour if he would help him and his crew reach the mainland safely.
Granted this grace, Ruggero II ordered the construction of the Cathedral as soon as he arrived in Cefalù, at the place where today stands the symbol of the city. The first stone was laid on 7 June 1131, the day of Pentecost, with a solemn ceremony attended by the diocese of Cefalù and the Sicilian nobility.
In fact, there is no trace of this promise in historical documents and the reasons that led the king to order the construction of the Cathedral are less romantic and evocative. There are indeed some diplomas in the hands of the church in which it is stated that Ruggero II built the Cathedral in memory of his father Ruggero, first king of Sicily, of his mother queen Adelasia, as a sign of redemption of his sins and as a place of comfort for travelers and the poor.
Over the years, the original structure was modified several times and rebuilt following the bombing. The first version in fact also provided a mausoleum and two sarcophagi designed to accommodate the remains of the King and his wife, but then removed and used by Federico II.
Inside, the precious Byzantine mosaics made by the masters of Constantinople in 1145, the baptismal font made from a block of lumachella stone, a Madonna by Domenico Gagini (XVI sec.) and a carved wooden crucifix (1468).
How to reach the Cathedral of Cefalù: timetable and prices to visit the Cathedral
Located in the heart of the Sicilian town, the Cathedral of Cefalù is reached by a short walk from the beach of Porto Vecchio, passing through the famous Porta Marina.
The Piazza del Duomo is accessible from the main street, Corso Ruggero, and represents the ideal meeting point for a refreshing stop in one of the many cafes that surround it and from whose tables you can enjoy a privileged view of the Cathedral.
The Cathedral can be visited every day at the following times: from 8.30 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. The entrance to the Cathedral is free, while if you want to visit the towers, the cloister or the museum area you must buy a ticket by choosing one of the itineraries proposed on the official website of the Cathedral of Cefalù:
- Red Itinerary complete visit (including the visit to the Towers and the Roofs south side of the Cathedral, the view under the mosaics*, the Sacristy, the Museum Area containing the Treasury of the Cathedral, the Sansoni Hall, the Bishop’s Chapel and the Canonical Cloister).
-Full rate €10 each, reduced* €7,00 each.
- Blu Itinerary (including the visit to the Towers, the Roofs of the south side of the Cathedral and the view under the Mosaics).
-Full rate € 7 each, reduced* € 5,00 each.
- Green Itinerary (including the visit to the Sacristy, the Museum Area containing the Treasury of the Cathedral, the Sansoni Hall, the Bishop’s Chapel and the Canonical Cloister).
-Full rate € 6 each, reduced* € 4,00 each.
Ticket prices vary according to the route chosen and discounts are available for school groups and people entitled to a discount (over 65, law enforcement, students and teachers, disabled), while children under 5 years of age always enter free.